Tham khảo Tên chung

  1. Kruckeberg, Arthur (1991). The Natural History of Puget Sound Country – Appendix I: The naming of plants and animals. Seattle: University of Washington Press. ISBN 978-0-295-97477-4
  2. List of standardised Australian fish names – November 2004 Draft. CSIRO
  3. D. L. Hawksworth (2010). Terms Used in Bionomenclature: The Naming of Organisms and Plant Communities: Including Terms Used in Botanical, Cultivated Plant, Phylogenetic, Phytosociological, Prokaryote (bacteriological), Virus, and Zoological Nomenclature. GBIF. tr. 1–215. ISBN 978-87-92020-09-3
  4. Conklin, Harold C. 1980. Folk Classification: A Topically Arranged Bibliography of Contemporary and Background References through 1971. New Haven, CT: Yale University Department of Anthropology. ISBN 0-913516-02-3.